MSIF set up the Financial Services Learning Center to run training courses for our clients and offer class-leading toolkits for a wide range of stakeholders.
The Financial Services Learning Center focuses on practice-based lessons that we use to target the management teams, trainers, and consultants of Indian financial service providers. The Learning Center runs classroom-based training courses and uses this training in practical settings—either through mentored follow-up in their organizations or through mentored work opportunities within the Action Research Program.
Our training and technical assistance cover a range of topics including strategic business planning, marketing, institutional development, and product development; developing and delivering savings services; e-banking and m-banking; research, documentation, and dissemination; project and program reviews and qualitative impact assessments.
At the Learning Center, we draw from international experience to offer training programs and iteratively improve them through conduct quality control missions. We collaborate closely with leading management and training institutes in India.
At the Learning Center, we offer MSIF toolkits as core curricula. Our acclaimed Agent Network Management Toolkit, for instance, is an extensive training module for banks, business correspondent network managers (BCNMs), aggregators, and retail agents. It includes slides, exercises, and videos based on adult learning principles to train participants on the implementation, management, risk handling, and expansion of digital financial services.